Tim McVeigh - the Oklahoma bomber - from inside the prism of some - fictional - black ops software (note the mac system 8 interface)
a painting from 1996, still relevant today: engineering a power grab - the secret police or deep state tactic of using, and perhaps creating, events is not new, doesn't date from the day al Qaeda dialed 911, if you can believe they would independently choose the US emergency number as the 'significant date' of their attack. My view is that the spies and al-Qaeda effectively form an alliance against the rest of us, turning 'western' and 'Islamic' worlds into armed camps under emergency law. Naturally the spies and 'deep state' are needed to run the show.
The war in Afghanistan has, on the face of it, no coherent strategy, and is 'impossible to win', and yet the military have their heart set on staying there for another 10 years or more. Why? When viewed as a creeping takeover(with 6 monthly expansions of security law) of their own society it makes a bit more sense.
The Oklahoma bombing was another outrage where the publicly disseminated story didn't completely add up -who was the 'guy in the hoody' seen nearby - , and which was followed by clamour for expanded security powers
(image by Johno)
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