Tuesday, October 29, 2019


A painting I started about a year ago. Its in Mum's garden and the painting is at her place. She wants to frame and hang it but I thought the paint was just a bit too thin and intermittent , and I had paint left over after playing around with this other garden pieceand the portrait of Paul below


On the back porch at Mum's in Newcastle. There's some older versions here from when I started it back in March or so

Saturday, October 26, 2019

Flea Mask

Appalling Paul modelling the flea mask I didn't get ready in time for the Museum of Fleas cabaret last month. So instead I'm making another so I can wear a flea outfit at a demo, and so can someone else.

Thanks to Veronica for the photo

Saturday, October 19, 2019

Fleas on glass

The Museum of Fleas has been over for a while, but I'm still finishing off a few of the paintings and masks I made for it as well as editing a video of the show for the cast and to show around a bit maybe. I've just got a new computer which will make it a bit more practical to view and render it out, as well as speeding up working with the Gimp and putting images of my paintings and stuff up here.

I've been a bit slack recently with posting. I'll have a bit more time to do so. And once the video is finished I'll put it up too


One more of the flea paintings I prepared for the Museum of Fleas - this one didn't make it to the show, mostly because it was on glass and so a bit too heavy to hang on sticker hooks. 

I've got a video of the show, which looks and sounds great. I've done a basic edit and once I put some images of the paintings into it I'll put in up online and post a link here

Friday, October 4, 2019

Museum of Fleas paintings

Some paintings I worked on over the 5 day run of the Museum of Fleas in UV pigments and a couple of dark tones

This first one is the only finished piece, showing Sister Ursukine, Peter Urquhart -Urq-, and Vashti Hughes as Mistress of the Fleas. with Luke behind on the sound desk Roger Foley-Fogg can be seen glowing in the audience

It was an amazing show to be part of, I'm currently putting a rough edit of the show together on video which I'll post on youtube once I put some basic titles and credits on it and link to in in a post here, as well as some stop frame movies of Arctic Sea Ice from the wonderful NASA Worldview. I'll put links to the gronky python code I used to download stuff and edit and compress video

(A graphic editor would totally die on my shitty laptop when confronted with when confronted with 4hrs of raw 1080p video, I have to turn everything off to play it in a player!)

Charles Freyberg Pete and Alison Marshall

Charles, Pete and Marguerite Montes

Sister Ursuline playing cello