Marius Kloppers' 2-bobs worth on climate: BHP generated emissions are qualitatively different from those from other sources (because they have cornered the coking [ie steelmaking] coal market): so BHP's should not be taxed, or included in targets. Let the peasants pay.
Isn't it about time a law was passed explicitly excluding new CO2 emissions from compensation arrangements, from today onwards? Corporations will otherwise build coal power stations etc to get their nose in the compo trough. That's if any compensation is to be given at all to CO2 emitters who must close down, or change. I think it shouldn't: this whole cap-and trade business has been designed to guarantee profits to the corporates, while shifting all the costs onto the public. So much for the 'free market'.
the so-called leaders should get out their WW2 histories and see how fascism was defeated by empowering the common people. But of course the agenda is precisely the opposite: dismantle what little remains of the post-WW2 welfare state, and create Hitler Youth style arrngements so commoners can inform on each other, the new stolen generation, the Australian Lawyer Party combining with the libs to expunge the whole concept of Social Security from government, replaced with Centelink and chemical and financial chains
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