Bands and Performance

This is a linklist of my drawings and paintings of performers from the name-of-liberty blog. I'm currently maintaining it manually(eeek) so it's often not up to date.













Danielle Joy Golding's opening 07-06-2022










Mark Lucas at RedBar

Xantharea at the Piccolo

The Junkyard Bash
Plus a bunch of cool texta drawings by James - 18-2-19
at the Junkyard Studio in Forest Lodge

Bronwyn Aether band at the Townie
With Paul Vassallo and the Professor 11-2-19

Fabels at Moshpit
Death of the Chopsticks
28-12-18, B.E.D.

Michael and Dean at Redbar

Rehearsal Jam at Redbar

Pete and Luke's Housewarming
26-11-18, Blackheath

Charlotte at the Imperial
Karaoke Night

Borrachero at the Crate

Charles's book launch: Dining at the Edge
21-7-18 at el Rocco, Kings X

Tex at the Record Crate
 a band from the Gong at the Record Crate 16-6-18

Xanthe Playing Guitar

Marguerite Pete and Justo

Benito di Fonzo

The Vinyl Press at the Record Crate

Gene Gibson, and Indira
Record Crate 16-6-17

Louis Burdett at the Record Crate
 -With Edouard Bronson and  Dirk Kruithof , and Actual Remains 

Vitorio, with Abe and the KX crew - 4-6-17
 Vitorio Bianchi and Vashti Hughes at the Piccolo Bar

Music for Nudes - 27-5-17

A Rock and Roll cover of the Bosch masterpiece at the Record Crate in Glebe I  painted with Grace Woods, a hot artist and great collaborator. There are a bunch of posts here (30-8-17) here (24-8-17),  here (17-8-17), here (5-8-17) here (3-8-17) here (28-7-17),  here (27-7-17), here (26-7-17), here (22-7-17), here (18-7-17), here (11-7-17) here (10-7-17), here (4-7-17), here  (3-7-17), here (1-7-17), here (30-6-17), here (25-6-17),  here (20-6-17)and here (22-5-17)

from a drawing of Marguerite Montes, Pete Urquhart and Justo Diaz at the Record Crate

nOOOOOOO and Marguerite Montes on 2 small panels on the wall at Rough Edges in Darlinghurst

From the Dark Ambulance show

Marguerite Montes and Peter Urquhart - 19-3-2017

nOOOO, Ben Hingley, Joe Masnton and his brother, Sawfish at the Record Crate 12-3-2017


2 performers at an open mic show 27-1-2017

Guy, Bunny, Cosmo Dave, George etc at Bundagaree

Marguerite Montes, Peter Urquhart with Justo and Oscar , 23-11-16

Early Halloween at the Crate

Nicola Morton at the Record Crate, 29-10-2016

Drawing in the Dark - Cabaret at El Rocco

Performers including Rupert Reid , Kate Reid, Marguerite Montes and Pete Urquhart

Poets of the Street - Wayside's got talent

26-10-2016 - Talent Quest at the Wayside Chapel

Pete and Marguerite at the Record Crate

Peter Urquhart and Marguerite Montes , 26-10-2016

Buck Loner Revue

10-10-2016, at Gasoline Pony

Marguerite Montes and Peter Urquhart at the Record Crate


Marguerite Montes and Peter Urquhart

13-8-2015 Record Crate

Marguerite Montes and Peter Urquhart

31-8-2016 Record Crate

Geoffrey Goodes draws Marguerite Montes and Pete Urquhart at the Record Crate


Ned Alphabet at the Record Crate



Blueshound at the Old Fitzroy


Pete's Birthday Jam

Peter Urquhart and friends at el Rocco 16-4-2016

White Knuckle Fever in BED


Peter Urquhart and his dad

March 2016

Pete Urquhart and his dad

(prep drawing for the painting, from a photo) 9-1-2016



15-1-2016 - Ned Alphabet, Glen and Glenda, Absolute Patsy,
Kid Trails, Skull and Dagger, Buzz Kull and Agrocalm at the Record Crate - 
4-1-2016 - Kid Trails, Skull and Dagger, Buzz Kull and Agrocalm 
I sent a drawing from this set, of Kid Trails, to Columbia, South Carolina. Patrick the front man's mum has it framed on her wall, so I'm chuffed about that

-20-12-2015 - Peter Hayes, Zia, Alison Marshal, Peter Urquhart, Elves, Dirk Kruithof

Cabaret - Poetry and Music Jamathon at TAP - 21-11-2015 - Charles Freyberg, Peter Urquhart, Marguerite Montes, Peter Hayes Whitehead, Grace Woods, Benito di Fonzo

The Passion of George Gittoes - 2015 Sydney Peace Prize performance - 10-11-2015 - George Gittoes, Hellen Rose, Clover Moore, etc

Pete at his Variety Night - Peter Urquhart

Poetry Cabaret at el Rocco - Peter Urquhart, Charles Freyberg, Peter Hayes, Alison Marshal, Dartus etc

 Street Violin Player - 6-10-2015 - George St busker(who??)

Benefit for Lapundanda, Nepal - 19-6-2015 - Peter Urquhart, Charles Freyberg, Donna Cain etc[FIXME}

Jam at Stu's - 11-6-2015 -Stone Cold Fox/Fat of Pythons

At the Union Hotel Newtown - 7-6-2015 - Skull and Dagger - Jefferson Phoenix and Matthew Bright

The Three Sonneteere - 20-5-2015 - Bryan Andrews, Peter Hayes and David Ritchie

At the Record Crate - 25-4-2015 - ?? 

 Stone Cold Fox at the Bearded Tit - 19-4-2015 - Stone Cold Fox

White Knuckle Fever at the Old Growler -  18-4-2015 - White Knuckle Fever

Piccolo Tales  - 15-4-2015 - Vashti Hughes, Vitorio

RIP Chris Retallack - 11-4-2015 - Irina Rey

The Makers: Erth Show at 107 Projects -   Celia Curtis and Ross as Liver Arsy [FIXME], Veiled Keyboard singer girl[who??] watched by Chas Glover
 Peter Hayes' Variety Night at el Rocco - 1-4-2015 - Belinda Small & Peter Condon, Charles Freyberg, Alexandra Kupcik, Peter Urquhart,
Helen Kwon and Donna Cain, Peter Hayes, Kate Reid

Busking -22-3-2015 - Barney Coman

Pete's Variety night at el Rocco -30-1-2015 - Peter Urquhart, Caroline Thomson, Charles ?, Colin Gosper, Gary ?, Donna Cain and Helen Kwon, Kate Reid, Rupert Reid, Peter Hayes, a ellist

 Louis Burdett at the Record Crate, Glebe


(and I thought they called themselves Stone Cold Fucks. /blush)

Gladstonebury festival, Gladstone Hotel

At some point I'll get a script together to add entries as I post, and probably convert it all to a table, and index it all. With 0 lines of PHP.[/gag]

Apologies for the lack of images - for now you'll have to follow the links to see much. (Many contain multiple drawings) I've been trying to add a thumbnail for a least some of them but my 2015 Optus 3G connection was so ABSOLUTELY FUCKED I couldn't even add one from a link the last time I tried

Optus 3G showed some improvement recently, to the point where I could semi-reliably upload 200k images. I now have a 4G connection so I'll add a few pictures.

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