
Liberty in Danger
2001, the towers on fire, Tim McVeigh - the Oklahoma Bomber - by remote control
Australia's Mt Rushmore: In an open-cut mine,PM's heads carved in waste-rock, by order of the conjurer of CO2, Marius Kloppers
Liberty in Danger
Bon Scott rehearsing, channelling fire
'Choice': choosing a brand, of car, of job, of political ideology (in any colour, provided it is grey): we repudiate brands.
the free market cartel. Your common or garden corporate criminal has cornered the market, in cardboard boxes, groceries, you name the sector. Superprofits are available when your industry is illegal or hidden: the drug trade, 'white slavers', the arms dealers
Democracy degenerates toward fascism(US, Iranian, Israeli … Australian?) The plumage may vary but the death machine trundles on. Palestinians learnt what happens when you make the wrong choice. Death rained upon them to mark Obama's inauguration. Oh, bummer.
You, we, have the freedom to comply. Fail to utilise your Freedom, and Freedom will be imposed upon you
9-11 reenergised the forces suppressing the truth. Truth is war's first casualty. Suppression of the Truth, of information and liberties became the norm. Diseducation systems were enhanced. Technician good(building Hellfire missiles, cooking Freedom Fries), philosopher bad(thinking before acting, contemplation, 'wisdom', kindness and respect). The philosopher 'contributes nothing to society'.
The resulting economic crisis promotes more suppression. Europe sees 'austerity measures' for the common people to 'refinsnce the banks'. Here the balloon still has air going in
Crisis in all its forms: the solution being imposed is a corporate bureaucratic police state to disempower those it both claims to protect and fills with fear/paranoia. Imposed top-down without room for innovation. Companies win state support by buying and selling propaganda. (Eg the extra obvious examples like the 'Job Network' = corporations and churches on the dole. Buprenorphine = Glaxo Smith Klein on the dole.) The climate change emergency cannot be addressed by top-down measures with cosy provisions for special interests. The people must be empowered.
We demand the right to make our own future as members of a community, and reject corporatist attempts of the state to chain us, as atomized and helpless individualists, to an out of control machine careering to destruction. For example, we repudiate the use of the desal plant (corruptly underwritten with CFMEU members super, making their futures dependent on a white elephant) to lock in Yallourn and Hazelwood power stations for decades, with pretend renewable energy offsets as a fig leaf
We fear losing our hard won liberty: freedom of association, freedom of thought. All the same, we plan on having a good time, doing a good show.
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