Wednesday, October 27, 2010

dictating your options

Department of Social Insecurity, or is that Department of Social Exclusion.

Centrelink, the padlock chaining you to a doomed and out of control machine.

I have learned that the dole is not for artists. It does not matter how many paintings you have created, how many you've sold, how many shows, or fans. You could have an exhibition the pope (urgh!) was attending, but if you have an interview scheduled with some dullard, or worse, at the 'Job Network', you'd better attend so they can suggest telemarketing 'work', no matter how unsuitable you are for cold-calling people during dinner to tell them lies. Attending, the more shit-faced the better, is compliant. Visiting a sick relative, or even seeking work, is not.

A successful artist creates an econamic engine that goes for centuries. People are still trading Rembrandts, centuries after he was given a pauper's funeral. Vincent van Gogh sold 2 artworks in his lifetime. Yet today he is one of the leading contributors to the Belgian economy. Of course he was driven mad with despair in his lifetime, and took his own life, which. as speculators like to joke, was a good career move.

In order to make things interesting the Salvation Army cut me(Johno) off the dole for 8 weeks  as preparations for this exhibition gathered steam. I never did like them, but for any Salvo who importunes me at the pub, or whatever: I owe them an earful. I return your propaganda with usurious interest. No doubt they got a handy bribe for this public service. The only assistance these people have given me is ... cutting me off. This is supposed to make me 'compliant'. Well, I'll comply with my heart, my mind, my community, not with second-rate bureaucratic fascism. They've done me a favour. It disgusts me to see all this corporate welfare paid in my name.

And what a public service it is! The Australian Lawyer Party would prefer we all committed suicide. Or put on a monkey suit and disappear, like Garrett. This sort of thing is another none-too-subtle hint. One monopoly propagandist is quite enough artist for this planet. As for the audience, let them watch televised sport and learn to be grateful.

The whole idea of the so-called Job Network is to demoralise its victims. It's a propaganda shop. Its employees are paid to believe the line. And of course to punish anyone who comes in the door. Give up all your ideas and ambitions, since they're clearly shit, debase yourself and become like us. Both workers(No one who had any prospects would work in the Job Network, surely) and beneficiaries provide an example to the others: this will happen to you if you buck the system.

It's time we all stopped wearing this garbage.

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