Short st runs between Arundel St and St Johns Rd in Forest Lodge, just behind the old coroners court
I've been working on this from some photos but I might go sit there for half an hour, its pretty much at my front door, I shouldn't have to get close to anyone, and I'll wear a mask
What drew me in was the crazy bent trees, which have started off growing up and westward out of the shadow of the wall. But the topiarists of the electricals had other ideas, cutting them back to train them around the sacred wires
The cars parked in the scene are hardly moving ijn this lockdown so I went and took a few photos to work from at home. The spot is about 50m from my front door, and pretty out of the way so I'll probably set up on the spot a bit as well if I think noone will be upset or breach social distance.
I'm fully vaccinated but still wouldn't want to pass on the infection to someone who isn't. Like everything Liberals governments do, its a self-serve system designed for hustlers(or rather, to exclude everyone else, perhaps not by design </scoff>, but that's how it works) So those most in need are quite likely to miss out/come last. The same system trhat gifts $20 million to the obscene Gerry Harvey, and doesn't blink an eye at mass homelessness, in fact appears to treat it as a policy goal, one of the very few they go close to achieving.

Trees trained by the topiarists of the electrical wires
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