Monday, November 12, 2018

The Coathanger from Milsons Point Station

Milsons Point station is built into the northside approach to Sydney Harbour Bridge  The view is from the very end of the platform closest to it. I started a few months ago on warm days in winter. Then I got sick which delayed things for a bit, and when I recovered and had done a little more it then rained incessantly for weeks.

Now its getting close to summer I've been worried it would be too hot to get back, as there's no shade at all. Today it was reasonably cool so I went there toand got much closer to finishing, who knows, maybe finished. Perhaps I'll go back once more, perhaps not.Everyone there has been really cool, except one officious bloke at the start who worried I might worry the train drivers into thinking I might leap in front of them. None of the drivers or guards (who stop right next to me where I'm painting), have complained, some have been very appreciative. The attendant today came and looked a few times and said it made her day, which is mad

Some earlier versions of the painting are here

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