Wednesday, November 3, 2010

Our Lady of Chemical Chains

We know what's best for you - whimpering at the ring of a bell.

I saw a sticker recently, with a very official looking coat of arms.

"Fear - a Federal Government Initiative".

Fearful and helpless people, very handy in a time of environmental crisis. Over uncertainty, we prefer catastrophe, with the pretense of control. Imagination might expose the nakedness of the passive stone Easter island heads who pretend to rule.

Instead, occupy, and rot, your mind with the senile ruminations of Rupert Murdoch. For example, according to 2 op-ed pieces in the Australian, The Chilean mine rescue
      (a) illustrates how these miners would be dead without 'market forces' (because they were saved by a capitalist drill!)
       (b) debunks evolution and 'Darwinism' (miners competing to exit last is an example of 'altruism', which, apparently, is not allowed under evolution ).

You could call this guff a comic book for children, except that kids would roll their eyes. Only adults could 'have faith' in this stuff.                       

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