The price is eternal vigilance. Liberty in Danger. Some find it in danger, some see liberty in danger right now. We demand liberty, where our desires are our own, not the manufacture of some marketing or political brainwasher. We examine some of the threats - the way that words like freedom and democracy are used to name their enemies! And we aim to enjoy our liberty and have some fun.
Monday, August 15, 2022

King St by night

Construction Equi[ment

Sunday, August 14, 2022
Golden Grove
Darlington Installation Project is on the left
Wednesday, August 10, 2022
Coffee Table
I finished this coffee table for Patrick that I started a while ago. With all the rain in Sydney earlier thie year it became really hard to work on wood and keep things dry.
The finished table with a few pours of molding epoxy resin to hold it all together.Near the end when there were just a few remaining holes and a meniscus that had hardened around the edge where I dammed the epoxy I made a couple of small mixes which I coloured with a tiny bit of fluoro pigment - yellow, pink and deep red violet