Saturday, December 18, 2021

Police Harassment, episode 123

 This afternoon (Saturday December 18, 2021) I helped Martin move his stuff to a smaller unit in a storage complex at Marrickville. After moving furniture, boxes and picture frames around for a couple of hours, mostly by trolley, Afterwards I was sweaty and a bit dehydrated, as my drink ran out half an hour in. It was a humid day, extra warm up under the single roof of the large warehouse. I could feel a bit of a toothache coming on

At about 1.30 or 2pm I headed into Marrickville Metro, close nearby, to get some juice, and a packet of ibuprofen. then walked diagonally through Enmore park to get to Enmore Rd on my route home. I sat down for a moment on some grass under a fig tree just off the path to have a couple of anti-inflammatories I'd just bought and drink some juice. I stopped at the lights at the side street on the northern side of the park.  When the cars had gone I crossed Llewellyn St and continued walking up the hill towards Enmore shops on Enmore Road. Perhaps the lights hadn't changed before I crossed but no traffic was coming, I looked.

Close to 100 metres up the road, at the next corner a paddy wagon pulled up, facing the wrong way, and one of a pair of smallish police officers gestured to me. I had to laugh a bit to myself, as I've been through this routine before. I was also bloody annoyed, for the same reason. They jumped out of their van to bale me up. You were just jay walking across that street.. Maybe that was true, the street is tiny and its the weekend. I asked them if they were making it up, if not why not do something straight away? I said I might easily make a complaint, as I'm sick of this shit. They said its all on video, so that's an extra motive to make one, as this encounter would be funny(if it weren't such blatant harassment)

What was I up - Moving things for someone

Where - at a storage unit in Marrickville

who for - none of your business,

I didn't tell them but he's an old artist I've known for decades, who's been given runaround by Houso. The old sandstone house he was living in Woolloomooloo hasn't been maintained so got riddled with termites(which 2 or more years later they haven't fixed. He's an old fellow in his 70s whose mother lived in the same house and  the Department of Housing is dragging the chain to force him out of that house where he'd lived for decades. The Libs dream of selling Woolloomooloo to their rich mates, and, more or less indirectly, themselves. Anyway Martin's got a heap of his artwork and books in boxes, and had just given in and moved a good amount of them into the much smaller single man's unit in Redfern he'd been shunted into. Now he was downsizing the storage unit(which the DoH have given up paying for apparently, to underline their message to Martin, you'll never get your house back)

I feel responsible a bit because I pointed out the termite damage in an old school hardwood slat wall when I put a couple of bookshelves together for him and realised the wall I was about to put one against was made of paint and papery remnants. There's a number of drawings of Martin elsewhere on the blog, but I'll leave it to the audience to use search to find them

I assumed they stopped me because I was wearing my Paranoia Club shirt, a gift from the band, a stylish black tee emblazoned with a skull and crossbones. I told them as much. From here they headed into the realm of pure unadulterated bullshit, in order to justify a search(so they reckon), so they say as well as jaywalking, you were wandering around in circles like you were confused, I suspect you're under the influence of illegal drugs. I laughed in his face and asked if they taught them to say that, and that they were harassing me as an attempt at intimidation. Making things up.

They pulled out the blue rubber gloves. MmHmm, S & M!

Would they been dumping those rubber gloves as a calling card when they were done? What? Would they be dumping those things to remind and intimidate  anyone else subjected to a sexual assault by them. Not harassment, don't make me laugh

Was he going to grab me by the balls like his colleague Bad Hutch (showing off to his partner Bad Starsky) when they introduced themselves to me before a similarly illegal and fruitless search in Glebe, one morning as I headed to a job with some drills and other tools and fasteners.

How disappointing for them, they didn't find anything, and perhaps belatedly realising the potential embarassment lurking in their video cameras, they made preparations to skedaddle. But just(LOL) to show who was boss they gave me a move-on order (to keep walking exactly as I had been before they interupted me

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