Saturday, January 23, 2021

Junkyard Gym

Caspian has set up a gym In the space we've cleared among  the timber piles out back and he and his mates are using it to work out. Damo is the character shadow boxing in the foreground. Damon is a stone mason who lived here a year or so ago

 Nearly finished and heavy rain has set in for the next few days so I've unstrapped this largish canvas(1200x1200mm) from the easel it was on so it could come nside to the big monitor to fix a few things that have been cleared away in the actual scene while I get started on a few new thngs - maybe some frames and possibly other woodwork. I've also got a heap of UV lamps to repair and/or finish.

There are a heap of photos showing the stages as this painting came together


I went back into the background purpl shadow, and maybe put it in a bit too much o the background


I've just returnd to this after a couple of weeks, starting with adding adding some flesh to Damo before completing the bricks and foliage and wood

I went over the mortar(again!) and put a bit more brighter colour on, especially greens
Damon poses with the painting

Everything keeps moving aroung as I paint, but now I've got a ground on the canvas I'm going to add some more colour, green



Damo the stonemason shadow boxing

Damon roughed in to the composition. I did a mockup on the PC or a photo against the painting so far to check out just where I wanted to place the figure and make my life easier matting him in


 so many bricks...

I've always wanted to paint at least some of the timber racks here, now I am



The cat likes to watch, he's a bit of a critic

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