Friday, March 8, 2019

Nasty Girl

The supervisor who was showing my new job network case worker the ropes. Given these case workers always move on quickly(I wonder why?!) I've had a few encounters with her, and she clearly has an animus against me - I don't meet her definition of a compliant consumer of jobseeker services, or something, but she can't think of anything to do about it. She clenches her jaw and metaphorically stamps her foot in annoyance and futility. 

Told I'd be doing work for the dole again I said, OK, I'll go volunteer and complete my murals at the mission. Having brought in the letter from Pastor Sam to start that she then said "Computer says No - since the changes in July, you have to do work for the dole" Oh actually, computer doesn't say no, there was no such change, they just have no idea. 

I was getting annoyed by this stage and said I'd leave and they could just make up whatever themselves, and sign it for me. This supervisor says if I wouldn't be cooperative I'd be here forever. I replied - so would she, and smiled. At this point she fixed me with a glare, and tried to stare me out. I pulled out my drawing pad and started to draw. LOL, if looks could kill. She said I wasn't being focussed, and I replied that no, I'm completely focussed right now.

She then fled to the photocopier, out of sight, and got the worthless contract for me to sign, and I was out of there in 2 minutes

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