The price is eternal vigilance. Liberty in Danger. Some find it in danger, some see liberty in danger right now. We demand liberty, where our desires are our own, not the manufacture of some marketing or political brainwasher. We examine some of the threats - the way that words like freedom and democracy are used to name their enemies! And we aim to enjoy our liberty and have some fun.
Tuesday, December 31, 2024
Leichhardt Public School Tower
Friday, December 13, 2024
Mullet Creek
Wondabyne is on Mullet Creek, a tributary of the Hawkesbury that you travel along for a bit after crossing the river on the Sydney-Newcastle train. I've been helping spruce up mum's house for sale the last few months since she went into care, so travelling this line a lot. It's for my cousin Patrick in England who was very hospitable when I stayed with him and his mum in Stroud, decades ago
The finished painting in its frame just before I packed it to ship it over to England. The frame is made from a few pieces of recycled Australian hardwood that I got from Wastewood in Marrickville - shoutout to Lucas and Paul
This is getting more finished looking, In the distance I might add a few of the boats moored up around there, there's a lot more than there used to be. Housing crisis for boats and all
Thursday, December 12, 2024
Oyster leases
Majestic XI (etc) at Moshpit
Tuesday, October 15, 2024
Landing run
Tuesday, October 1, 2024
Paintings from mums
Sunday, September 22, 2024
Unwanted Commission
Saturday, September 14, 2024
Writing a ticket
Balkan Grill and Dr Robot at Spring Sprung Sprang
Monday, August 19, 2024
Ducks in the Canal - Greenway Composition
I've been trying to create an entry for the Greenway prize. The Greenway goes along Hawthorn Canal from Iron Cove, along with the tramline (formerly a goods line) it meets in Haberfield through to Lewisham and Dulwich Hill . From there it continues down the hill to Cooks river. The council are creating a path joining bush remnants and parkland and parks etc along the route.
The prize is or artworks with themes of freshwater ecology, public transport, and the area/environment etc. So I'm sort of converting the stormwater drain/canal into a stream with ducks in a waterhole with a mashup of local landmarks, and a tram.
As it turns out I stuffed up the dates so I couldn't enter, but anyway I'll complete ith to maybe enter next year. Though after looking at this year's hang -slung on both sides of some randomly arranged temporary fencing plonked in the middle of a room, and without so much as some hessian backing- why would I bother?
Its now been entered in the Glebe art show starting tomorrow evening
This is the finished version
Thursday, July 11, 2024
Noisy Miner and Camelia Petals
Leichhardt School Tower
Wednesday, July 10, 2024
Lease Signing Ceremony and On a Train
Wednesday, June 5, 2024
Under Centrepoint - St James
The corner of Elizabeth and Market Sts from Hyde Park in Sydney with David Jones on the right
Black Tower!
Wednesday, May 29, 2024
This is part of a set of bird pictures I'mb putting in a group show in November with Yasmina Black and Celia Curtis etc at 107 Projects