The price is eternal vigilance. Liberty in Danger. Some find it in danger, some see liberty in danger right now. We demand liberty, where our desires are our own, not the manufacture of some marketing or political brainwasher. We examine some of the threats - the way that words like freedom and democracy are used to name their enemies! And we aim to enjoy our liberty and have some fun.
Saturday, June 26, 2021
Palm Tree Hairdo

Monday, June 21, 2021
Fig Tree in Victoria Park
I got back to the fig tree in Victoria Park to sit in the space created by its curtains of aerial roots to paint a bit more of its portrait

Mr Cat

winter hop leaves
Sunday, June 20, 2021
Mr Cat
Mr Cat - aka Boots - was hanging out in the wood stacks out back since before I got here about 4 years ago. He was always well fed and too fussy to take anything we offered so we didn't need to feed him at all, and I've never seen the telltale feathers and pair of wings that cats leave behind when they kill birds so it was good to have him around, just to keep the rats wary.
Last year he hurt himself. Maybe a piece of timber rolled onto his foreleg and he couldn't walk on it at all. After maybe a day I realised he couldn't get home and must be starving, wherever it was, so I found something he would eat, some raw meat.
I started researching to find his owner, after a day or 2 my friend Jules found out via a Cat Ladies facebook page, it was very close too the back yard, but upstairs. I didn't meet the lady but left her a note explaining the situation, saying Mr Cat was being fed but she could come and get him, take him home/to her vet.
She never showed up and as days went by Boots foot was healing,after a week or so he started to put it on the ground again and as another went by he wasn't quite so ginger on it.
By turns he recovered, seemingly without lasting effects, the leg isn't deformed and he doesn't tfavour it so maybe it was just badly bruised rather than broken at all.
I think his owner has now got another desexed(?) tomcat, who followed him home when he was stuck outside for a couple of days while a neurotic elderly Jack Russell was staying. He got bite wounds on his face and bum, and for a while looked like he might do himself in with obsessive grooming so we had to feed him a tiny bit of valium with his food for a few weeks so they could heal.
Thankfully he's mended, and having realised he can make himself at home, he's acting like lord of the manor. On top of the amplifier is a favourite spot, it's always comfortably warm, and is a good protected vantage point at the doorway, where the average dim doggy doesn't notice him.
So it's time to put him to work, doing what he does best as a model. having a kip in a nice warm spot.