The price is eternal vigilance. Liberty in Danger. Some find it in danger, some see liberty in danger right now. We demand liberty, where our desires are our own, not the manufacture of some marketing or political brainwasher. We examine some of the threats - the way that words like freedom and democracy are used to name their enemies! And we aim to enjoy our liberty and have some fun.
Saturday, January 30, 2016
Port Macquarie Caravan Park
Thursday, January 28, 2016
Martin Place, continued, again

finished? almost anyway
Behind Rachel's place in Port Macquarie, a little landscape I started

I'm selling this piece to an old mate and attempting to finish it a bit while I'm in Port Macquarie.
Older images of this painting and some of the dramas and weird circumstances involved in its creation can be found here
Friday, January 22, 2016
Mishko's coffee
Wednesday, January 20, 2016
Bands last night at the Record Crate.
I was a bit pissed and in a cloud so I didn't get the names of the acts sorted out, and the drawings are a bit rougher than I'd like. I've fixed them now,

Frontier Dominion
Jefferson Sky Chariot looking a bit like Lawrence of Arabia in a chador.
Neon Hexes
Oh Female
with Christina Harvey
Icki Sweet
A really sketchy warmup drawing
I'm in a conspiracy mood recently and can't help producing these quick sceches , in humorous seriousness

Tuesday, January 19, 2016
We know what
We know what kinda shit goes on and we don't forger
But for. Now , we prefer to play with colours rather than mud
For the moment u don't take seriously our individual attempts for real freedom of expression and u even Use us and our media as baits for other poor silly buggers that think of West as the land of the Free ......
And , Good , Great ! This is good
We want u to see us as a Non serious danger because We know what happens when u do ( Mc Arthy -ism ) happens
This is Now
But. Nothing is static , Everything flows
The " static electricity " think is a great mistake Mismomer
Electrons run to in the state of electrons called static
The whole , Flows
Energies are in constant motion and the Natural state of all is in constant change
Life changes continuously and the fads come and go
We know it
U know it
U try your best to avoid or at least soften or take some control over your Unavoidable Fall
U are in Free Fall now and u know it
This is why we see u opening your parashuites , para-fives and para-military tools all over the world .
Desperate attempts to soften the Landing
So , this is why we are content in painting the colours the sounds and the odor of your long defeat
Observe how the mighty fall , how the petty aspire power and how all together embraced In a Crasy colourfull dance drug each other down into the Abyss of Unexistance by self anihilation .

Creation by needs
Testing Grounds,

Sunday, January 17, 2016
Well aint I a dickhead
Friday, January 15, 2016
Ned Alphabet and other performers at the Record Crate
Glen and Glenda
14 January at the Record Crate.
Ned Alphabet
Buzzbar interior
Wednesday, January 13, 2016
King St from the Martin Luther King mural
Almost finished

A little painting I started today, the first for the year, next, cars and people and bits of trees, and, oh, possibly a blue sky - pink's good underneath tho
Thursday, January 7, 2016
City buildings from Glebe
Monday, January 4, 2016
Kid Trails, Skull and Dagger, Buzz Kull and Agrocalm at the Record Crate
Mark/Buzz Kull sound checking .
Some of these drawings have not been completely scanned - large pages are a pain on A4 consumer scanners. I might try to include the rest of the Skull and Dagger drawing sometime - some of Jefferson and Matt's legs are missing and a bit of a soundbox
Kid Trails, just in from the US
Skull and Dagger
The view from the Record Crate's upstairs band room - a wall with a mouth
Buzz Kull
Damo Litton - Agrocalm, watched by Ant Bannister and someone else
A detail of Jefferson from Skull and Dagger
Sunday, January 3, 2016
Outside Kelly's
Friday, January 1, 2016
Dirty Shirlows New Year
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