Tuesday, January 19, 2016

We know what

We know what kinda shit goes on and we don't forger 
But for. Now , we prefer to play with colours rather than mud 
For the moment u don't take seriously our individual attempts for real freedom of expression and u even Use us and our media as baits for other poor silly buggers that think of West as the land of the Free ......
And , Good , Great ! This is good 
We want u to see us as a Non serious danger because We know what happens  when u do ( Mc Arthy -ism ) happens 
  This is Now 
But. Nothing is static , Everything flows 
   The " static electricity " think is a great mistake  Mismomer 
Electrons run to in the state of electrons called static 
The whole , Flows 
Energies are in constant motion and the Natural state of all is in constant change 
Life changes continuously and the fads  come and go
We know it 
U know it 
U try your best to avoid or at least soften or take some control over your Unavoidable Fall 
U are in Free Fall now and u know it 
This is why we see u opening your parashuites , para-fives and para-military tools all over the world .
Desperate attempts to soften the Landing
So , this is why we are content in painting the colours the sounds and the odor of your long defeat 
Observe how the mighty fall , how the petty aspire power and how all together embraced In a Crasy colourfull dance drug each other down into the Abyss of Unexistance by self anihilation .
Bon voyage ! 

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