The price is eternal vigilance. Liberty in Danger. Some find it in danger, some see liberty in danger right now. We demand liberty, where our desires are our own, not the manufacture of some marketing or political brainwasher. We examine some of the threats - the way that words like freedom and democracy are used to name their enemies! And we aim to enjoy our liberty and have some fun.
Tuesday, February 18, 2025
Halloween Grace
Sunday, February 9, 2025
Sketches of Martin
Rock against Racism at the Red Rattler
A great show organised by Eva from Whateva,and MCed by Deb Nankervis. It was a fundraiser for the Women And Girls Emergency Centre (WAGEC)
Saturday, February 1, 2025
LA cars
People getting out of the fire zone in LA
most recent under daylight,
and artificial with some UV.
More smoke!
This is the painting so far under 3 different lights
above is artificial light. White and UV led lamps
The photograph above is in daylight.
Below using the light of a UV headlamp