Sunday, February 9, 2025

Sketches of Martin

Artist Martin Walsh


Rock against Racism at the Red Rattler

 A great show organised by Eva  from Whateva,and MCed  by Deb Nankervis. It was a fundraiser for the Women And Girls Emergency Centre (WAGEC)

Les performing  on the Yidarki after welcoming us to Gadigal country along with some preliminary  sketching
Allis Well

Melita Rowston

Wicked Envy

Lou Steer  and Whateva Eva

The Rosmery sisters


Saturday, February 1, 2025

LA cars

People getting out of the fire zone in LA 

most recent under daylight,

and artificial with some UV.

More smoke!

This is the painting so far under 3 different lights

above is artificial light. White and UV led lamps

The photograph above is in daylight.

Below using the light of a UV headlamp

Here are earlier versions, feeling towards a composition