Tuesday, December 31, 2024

Leichhardt Public School Tower


 Today, on the last day of the year, I got out on the street for the first time in a while to add some greenery and clouds and bring this view of the lovely old tower on Marion St to life. It felt pretty good - I even got a $20 donation as well as an enquiry about commissions (happy to do them) and plenty of nice comments.

I'll probably do some more tomorrow, I'm aiming to be a be a bit busier in the new year

Friday, December 13, 2024

Mullet Creek

 Wondabyne is on Mullet Creek, a tributary of the Hawkesbury that you travel along for a bit after crossing the river on the Sydney-Newcastle train. I've been helping spruce up mum's house for sale the last few months since she went into care, so travelling this line a lot. It's for my cousin Patrick in England who was very hospitable when I stayed with him and his mum in Stroud, decades ago

 The finished painting in its frame just before I packed it to ship it over to England. The frame is made from a few pieces of recycled Australian hardwood that I got from Wastewood in Marrickville - shoutout to Lucas and Paul

This is getting more finished looking, In the distance I might add a few of the boats moored up around there, there's a lot more than there used to be. Housing crisis for boats and all




Thursday, December 12, 2024

Oyster leases


Hills and what were oyster leases on a tributary of the Hawkesbury- seen from the Newcastle train line. It's a sketch for a painting I'm trying to do for my cousin Patrick in England, who was very hospitable and showed me around the pubs etc of Stroud many years ago

Majestic XI (etc) at Moshpit

Ned Alphabet (left) with Majestic XI at Moshpit many weeks ago. A drawing I hadn't got around to scanning till now. (my computer setup currently is a bore).

And this is Slack Punks