The price is eternal vigilance.
Liberty in Danger. Some find it in danger, some see liberty in danger right now.
We demand liberty, where our desires are our own, not the manufacture of some marketing or political brainwasher.
We examine some of the threats - the way that words like freedom and democracy are used to name their enemies!
And we aim to enjoy our liberty and have some fun.
I went along to shoot some video of the premiere performance of A Pocketful of Fierce Violets with poets Charles Freyberg, Lou Steer and Paris Rose performing accompanied by the music of Franky Valentyn in St Peters Library in the afternoon, then and stuck around for the Tortuga studio show. I still had battery in the camera so I shot some of Rubber Necker's set.
The Fierce Violets will be perorming their show for the Fringe festival in September so I won't post any video of that until its done. Here a few stills