Wednesday, January 29, 2014

Charlotte and Charles

Charlotte and Charles before dinner at Charles' last night

Drawn with a tiny broken graphite fragment, so where the lines landed was a bit random...

Monday, January 27, 2014

Australia day weekend

amalgam of ghosts at the ATM

Phil, who sat down, eager to help pull in the crowd (thanks for the 20 from the portrait you did)

Phil's drawings



 outside blacksheep

Reece and Bob's Invasion day barbeque crew 

pieces of car

Saturday, January 25, 2014

street fragments

The bookstall at 'the g' .

The other half of the page went with Jesse 'the golem' James who stopped so I could 'show him', and give him the meaning of everything,  licking his lips, and hacking left and right on the footpath as he raved, his concrete scraped knuckles clenching into a puny fist.

 I gave him back him a quick sketch of narrow forehead, deepset eyes,  blood caked mouth and chin, and moved him along

King Street

Friday, January 24, 2014

Wednesday, January 22, 2014

Paintings from Julie O'Brien's collection

Alvin and Tommy

forensic diggers at a mass grave in Bosnia

Fred Fittler memorial

Nude Olympics

Tommy and Kimmy


Rupert Murdoch's head (about to explode)

Pink police graduation

thanks Jules

Saturday, January 18, 2014

Motorcycles and Icicles

The Icecream motorcycles and a ute outside Gelatomassi on King St Newtown, 
There were so many buskers on the street last night, But no-one had any money. Then one of the apostles came and borrowed what I had.

But even rhythmic gymnastic hulahoop girl didn't seem to make any money, so I can't complain

A few late night icicles from the night before

Friday, January 17, 2014

George St -"star bar"

 Star Bar - a misnomer, or perfect? Outside the one remaining George St cinema complex

Kevin - see the hats -  with the blacksheep cats

Monday, January 13, 2014

Nathan and Garth

Nathan and Garth sat down while I was doing some portraits on King St on Saturday night

A fragment of Enmore Park before Zoe's bbq the next day

Saturday, January 11, 2014

Jazz Police on the Take

Jazz Police on the Take at the 3 weeds in Paddington(Rose Shamrock and Thistle Hotel)

Aren't they all (what a country!)

Thanks to Doc for inviting me along, and Ian, Dave, Stan and everyone for playing

 The drunk version ;)

Thursday, January 9, 2014

Finn freestyles on King St

Finn with his drawing - you can see him in it above the front of the van, freestyling


This is my ibis homepage - I'm painting a couple at the moment... 

Starting on a bit larger version

The garbage guts for Jules for the fundraiser

 I thought this was complete here

An earlier version


A first ides of what a painting of an ibis emerging from a bin might look like, with lots of things wrong, esp the tilt of bin

 Looking for a tasty snack

the small painting for the fundraiser blocked out

Monday, January 6, 2014

Weekend Sketches


Thoth the ibis, writing about garbage. From a commission I'm working on 

Thursday, January 2, 2014

Singing for my supper

Dinner preparation - Karen, Brad and Reuben

Wednesday, January 1, 2014