Monday, October 31, 2016


In Greek mythology we learn that Zeus gave birth to his beloved sister Athena , goddess of wisdom / genetics with the owl for symbol ecc , from his Head 
Yeah he birthed his sis from his head 
Now, this mad lot of gods had just fought hard with their parents the TITANS and Won the Gea - Earth 
After that they made man Not much else Other life forms chimeras included where there since ever 
Only man wAs made as a Toy for the gods , mythology days As a slave to dig up Gold and planet form , I'd say 
From the Sumerians we learn that after the heroes Rebelled against central command , Anu had to invent new ways of digging up the precious metal needed for Nibiru's atmosphere 
So after settlement he came down himself and promised to send a genetics expert to make A Lulu . A G.M.slave that he could dig up the Gold from the bowels  of Ge :Earth 
Athena Ishtar Esthet ecc after many failed attempts and discarded beings made Adamu just "right " only to take him back to the designing board for Reproductive ability 
She Herself she named the being after her work 
DNA of monkey , lemur and Nibiruan heroes was mixed 
So she called it 

Early Halloween at the Crate

Nicola Morton

I was going to draw all the acts at the Skull and Dagger show on Friday but I was in a foul mood after a cancellation, so I only managed to do this one

Real Estate Agent from Hell

Lavaside living with Mike Baird - when I'm finished with this I'll stick it on the political geometry page


Friday, October 28, 2016

Drawing in the Dark - Cabaret at El Rocco

Rupert Reid

Dim confused light on the drawing pad combined with short sets add a bit of chance and mystery to the result

Rupert doing a duet with a gorgeous girl whose name hopefully someone can fill in for me

Marguerite Montes and Peter Urquhart

At the start of the show the lovely Kate Reid accompanied a singer whose name whose name I also can't remember - again, please fil me in and I'll update this

Wednesday, October 26, 2016

Poets of the Street - Wayside's got talent

Piano Player and a poet of the foster care system.

I went down to the talent quest at the Wayside Chapel in Kings Cross and did a few drawings

I didn't catch most of the performers names and they are mixed up together more than one to a page, each one only lasted a few minutes so ...

If anyone can help with names of people they recognise here, I'll put them in

Some scribble of the MCs and some of the crowd including Rick

A bunch of the performers from the first session

Rick reads to Maria and her daughter

Chris(?) with the Ukelele and another performer

Another Wayside piano player

My dear  friend and some other good friends too, Grace, Marge, Ye and Floyd this morning at Rough Edges

Pete and Marguerite at the Record Crate

Marguerite Montes sings songs of love, including Spanish songs of of love! Accompanied by Peter Urquhart at their regular Tuesday night show. I want to do a few paintings based on drawings like these.
I went along with Charles Freyberg, and drew this portrait while I waited for a meal - Tuesday is pasta night, any pasta on the menu for $10, I had Matriciana

Thursday, October 20, 2016

From ELGIN to PARTHENON project

A painting just started trying to grasp the unfortunate travels of the Elgin marbles that saw them leaving Acropolis for the bottom of the sea before they end up in the British meuseum 

Tuesday, October 18, 2016

Xanthe in the back yard

Crocheting in Max and Angel's yard

Gelato and cars on King St a few days ago

Wrangel Fingers

Melting sea ice near Wrangel Island in the Arctic Ocean - the end of the remnant Wrangel Arm - near the end of the 2016 melting season 

 Despite an apparently  unconducive summer for melting the Arctic sea ice minimum was second lowest on record. The autumn refreeze is going very slow and now ice extent is lowest on record for the date by a big margin ~500000 km2 at the moment. I've added a graph of the Uni of Bremen's AMSR2 satellite data. Next melt season could be really bad, the state change of the Arctic is upon us

From Satellite imagery(NASA worldview). Wrangel fingers are at the end of the end of the Wrangel Arm, or its remnants, in September 2016. The whole area around Wrangel Island - at top left - used to be ice year round a few decades ago.  This year the North pole, way off to bottom left had lots of open water at the minimum. Thanks to Neven's blog, the Arctic Sea Ice Forum, and of course Wayne Davidson's Eh2r  for info and inspiration


. This is just the blocking out. There is another melt/ goodbye wave painting here

Tuesday, October 11, 2016

Dowling St


A guy at the @oldfitzy pub in the Loo, whose name has slipped my mind was asking if I'd maybe paint a lanscape with his house. So I went down this morning to have  a look. Dowling St is a cul e sac so a woman pulled up in her car to go through her texts, so I included her in the drawing.

FREEDOM in sensual comma

Freedom traditionally is pictured as a strong , tall , indipedent female 
even in all languages I can think off is female . 
Well this beautiful woman is Now taking a nap . U hope is only a nap but history teach us that this nap ends up in REM Sleeping - Deep sleep -?obly to wake up again after 2000 yrs 
This us what happened to the Ancient Hellenic democracy . 
Our modern one , seems to follow the same path to oblivion . 
As a female , now run by officials not citisens , has being Mesmerised by the Patriarchal Wealth and Power . 
Her modern sexy looks embodied by incompetent Carrear orientated bureaucraticly suspended , Institutionslised , endocrinated by the Elite's Colleges - Politicians  is now invisible 
Her beauty is in the face With the great hairdo 
Her mind is Lost in day n night Sensual dreams . She is mesmerised by the wealth of her Patriarchs who say they love her like a daughter but as she really is Not any patriarch's daughter She may give them blow jobs at will No problem there And she does swallow because , u know , u have to give jobs to the proud working class idiots - Idiot : Legal owner of an idiom ( a shop with a house on top - a two stories build ) who sell goods - a midle class person is an idiot - 
This lady Now is taking a nap
She 's lost the thinking part of her head !
 She is standing tall Empty headed , de-bodied 
But she looks Satisfied in her sleep . 
Hmmm ! Till she wakes up to find herself moved over for the Demagogues Era
A new era of Few bend Wealthy Patriarchs and greAt Manipulators 
Demagogues who will turn themselves into Tyrans 
And she ll be described again as an unfinished sketch 

Monday, October 10, 2016

Saturday, October 8, 2016

Linda at Rough Edges

Friday morning at Roughies. With Wayne's forehead and Alice and David Wolf etc