Wednesday, September 30, 2015


My good friend NBH DA11, a fixture in Nambucca Heads. Thanks to Tony of Nambucca and Guy Crossley for giving me the gig, and to Grace Woods who came up with the initial idea, and made suggestions(buttons, bow-tie). She was going to paint the bow tie but had to leave for sydney the day before I did the top coat

In front of Guy Crossley's mirror and tile eyeball, which I helped him design and make at the Bellingen Global festival a couple of years ago.

Across the road, behind the photographer, is Guy's famous ceramic relief mural on Nambucca Heads cop shop

Apparently the locals had already given him a nickname while the painting was unfinished, but the lady who told me couldn't remember

 Half finished version, with Rico grandstanding

Tuesday, September 15, 2015

Martin Place

A painting I began a few days ago in Martin Place in the section between George and Pitt streets. I'll work on it there and at home over the next few weeks. If you see me there and have spare change, I'll have a tin you can put it in. Any contribution is much appreciated.


I went today(thurs 17th sept) to continue working on this painting when I was challenged for a busking license by the sompliance officer responsible  for Sektor 1, or whatever he termed it . I offered to take away any signs or coin collector so I could get something done on the painting, but that wouldn't do, 'especially so close to the war memorial' - which I was many metres from, and behind a lamppost so I wasn'tblocking anyone.

Is this for real? No painting in Martin place without a license. Does this extend to pencil on paper, pastels?

Monday, September 14, 2015

Sunday Street Art

Slightly more advance than the next image below but shot in more muted light

This view of the Cathedral from Town Hall is getting a bit more finished

Sketches for foreground people

Later I went portrait drawing, here's a sketch Mustapha did of me, I forgot to get a shot of the one I did of him

Phoebe, who sat down 'cause her friends were late

Wednesday, September 9, 2015

 very Unprofesional video wbere u can see an old O,Driscoll next to some of mine old ones backed up by a tune called Kairo by Vellecon and me on the drums
 A Very spontaneous act No pretences Non profesionalism Sorry !!! But i dont like pro ,it seems  !!!


It is Not something new in life Genes are always interact in order to keep the balance ,we call life, balanced enough to keep a collective of Atoms behaving under specific orders and laws for some years,days or hours ,minutes ecc enough to support the function of one particular form ,that we call A  Being.
Genes always mingle with other genes This is Not the problem
Problem arises when a collective of "beings" in their short life understand enough to intervene and alter the existing order Without any knowledge or will for knowledge of the initiall reason that the particullar genes follow particcullar hard earned evolutionary info to keep the present forms in accordance with their present enviroment.
Without this Knowledge secured , it is extremely unstable to change or mix anything . is IRESPONSIBILLITY
THE ANCIENTS repeatedly insisted into the avoidance of creating Chimeras
Chimera is a creature, made by human with genetic mixing to serve spesific purposes
It seems that some time in a veeery looong past ,human civilizations have mastered the genetic know how to a hi degree and where produsing creatures for servants \slaves and something happened
Something big enough to stay in the tradition and Warn us ,Us ,the affected humans by this event ,to Not Do it again Or at least when we do Be very carefull
Chimera is assosiated with anomalies of all kind and destruction by Devolution
Ancient Hellenic civilisation was proud but wary of the chimeras that were acting still and all about the tech of creating Chimera

Monday, September 7, 2015

street art

I did a stack of portraits last night in Newtown, which was nice, I've got some shiny new signs

Earlier in the day Idid some work on this painting, which still has a way to go

Tuesday, September 1, 2015

Girls with Hats

finished version - earlier ones are below

My sister Gabrielle with a couple of friends at the races.

This is just a beginning, I'll post newer versions as I work on it. There's a bunch of paintings and drawings of Gab here

On George St

I put my hat out for a little while on a Monday evening just to see how I went. (if you've got a few spare coupons in your paypal account, please make a contribution through the link in the sidebar)

The same guy with St Vitus' dance is in both drawings I've done outside the cinemas recently - the other is straight underneath this post