Sunday, May 31, 2020

UV paintings

I just got back to my studio after a couple o weeks away, and since I need some better images of the fluoro paintings for the Out of the Dark virtual exhibition I'm pulling together at the moment I got my new camera out

A sign of the times

In daylight

Fire on the South Coast, daylight and UV

Corella and Lorikeet in Mum's garden

Fire in Gippsland

The Golden Flea

Isolation View

Museum of Fleas
(Luke, Sister Ursuline, Peter Urquhart, Vashti Hughes and Ellis D. Fogg sitting in the audience)

Night Tree

Philbert (the Festival) Phlea

Out of the Dark A first quick test render of some UV paintings loosely hung in a model of Chrissie Cotter Gallery. This output is from a rasteriser so it's only a crappy approximation of what it will look like from a raytracer. There's a frame below from one, I'm rendering out a better arranged version with it, but it takes a couple of days to come out in 1080p, and it'll be another week or 2 before I get back to that computer

Thursday, May 28, 2020

Waterloo Night

This is a night painting of the view from Rachel's balcony that I started before self isolation . As(or while?) measures are relaxed a bit I can try to get it done. It's oil on canvas. The UV colours are handmixed from pigments, as I can't find them in an oil paint tube.

Like the other fluoro paintings I've put together of the past several months it was to go in "Out of the Dark", a show Ben Cahill and I were to put on at Chrissie Cotter from  May 12 until a couple of days ago, but which was blown away by COVID19.

I've been refamiliarising myself with Blender, the 3D editor, and will soon put together a virtual mock of the paintings emitting light in a model of the gallery space which I hope to continue developing until we can put on the real show.

 At first move a camera around to create a video walkthrough loop of the show, then use blender's game environment to hopefully create a freer-form viewing experience

I worked till my lamp died the other night getting this ready to show next week in the Spark, my studio show on the 17th July


white light from a headlamp

Earlier versions of the paintings are here.

Monday, May 25, 2020

Gum tree

I probably posted this before, a year or so ago, but the new camera I got really shows it off

Sunday, May 24, 2020



Another painting I started a while ago in Newcastle and just got back to.

There's some earlier versions of it here

Performing Fleas

  2 paintings I started last September at the Museum of Fleas with Charles Freyberg, Marguerite Montes, Peter Urquhart and Luke Rogers in one, and the other with Pete again, Alison Marshall, Senti and Charles

I'm getting back to them now as I have another look at the video  from the show and plot ways to tighten it up a bit, and add a flea to any audience member wandering in front of the camera. I'll also be exhibiting these and some other UV paintings at my studio from 17 July - "2020 - the Spark", and also at my rescheduled show "out of the Dark"at Chrissie Cotter Gallery in September(dates soon)

That fluoro flanny shirt is the perfect place for a flea painting to land

With an added robot light as well as Luke and some audience members


 Below is the same version with a UV light.


sketches of a greyhound I look after occasionally when I'm in Newcastle. I'll add to it when I get back there.

Tuesday, May 19, 2020

Waiting for the Postman

I started this little painting last year and I've been waiting for the postman a lot more during this year of Rona, so I pulled it out to do a bit more

Cut grass


Grass at my mother's place where I've been the last few weeks while she gets over an injury. She's ok.